Below is my contribution to the Monster Project. What is The Monster Project? Elementary students draw monsters, then artists from all over the world reimagine those monsters in their own unique styles. The project teaches children about the power of their imaginations and encourages them to pursue their creative potential. It shows them that their ideas are important and exposes them to the magic of art and collaboration. Valeria, a 2nd grader in Indianapolis created her original monster drawing, below, left. My version of Valeria's monster is on the right. This project was in partnership with Indianapolis Public Schools.

Valeria's monster drawing and my preliminary sketch for the painting

My painting of Valeria's monster is oil paint on a heavy weight BFK Rives paper

The Monster Project has visited communities throughout the U.S. The 2017 Project happened in Indianapolis, Dallas, New York, Austin and San Francisco.

Artists across the globe participate in the Monster Project
A glimpse of the painting process
The Monster Project is the undertaking of a passionate collection of artists who share a common goal: to help children recognize the power of their own imaginations and to encourage them to pursue their creative potential. Below is a snapshot video of the 100 artists who contributed to the project.
Below are photos from The Monster Project, Indianapolis which was in partnership with Indianapolis Public Schools

Event photos, Indianapolis | Caitlin Sullivan Photography